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Incredible Edible Reading - Learning Plate


Do you want to share or receive learnings of
food growing in your community?


We believe in the lost arts. The art of growing and soil science, the art of cooking and preserving and the connection that is made to our planet when we learn about food. Incredible Edible Reading believes reviving our hands-on knowledge of food is essential for all our futures.

Whether you are a TEACHER looking for resources to implement sustainability and climate change strategies in your school or someone keen to share their food and food-growing knowledge with the community. This is the page for you!


We're building and sharing resources that will ignite food-growing learning journeys - let us know what knowledge you have to share and we'll feature it here.

Menutise your Garden


Transforming your garden into a pesto paradise!

It's not just carrots that will make a contribution to a tasty menu, download the four-step graphic that we've created and grab the incredible details you need to get growing your own pesto. 


We'll be posting more learning ideas to connect you to the lost arts of growing your own food - check back soon for more!

How to grow delicious
pea shoots 


Download our free guide to growing delicious pea shoots for salads, stir fries and more in only 2-3 weeks!. It's easy and fantastic fun for kids.

Potty about Pea Shoots - Incredible Edible Reading Toolkit

We want to know YOUR ideas for creating
a town connected by sustainable food
and food-growing

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